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Mission Statement

In today’s ever changing mortgage and real estate landscape, Shaw Funding, through its General Partner and management team, VSA Capital Partners LLC, believes in thorough due diligence as a means of navigating the real estate industry. It is this level of commitment that enables us to put forth a product that works on both sides of the table.

Whether you’re an investor, property owner, mortgage broker, or attorney, Shaw Funding applies its sound financial resources and analytical capabilities towards originating loans, walking parties from their application to closing, or from their investment to return. Our practical short-term financial solutions benefit investors and borrowers alike.

With our investors in mind, we set out to create a vehicle that drastically reduces the volatility and risks associate with equity and fixed income related investments. And in that purpose, we have succeeded. Shaw Funding’s portfolio of loans harbor an inherently low correlation to the major indices and securitize your investment dollars with hard assets in the form of real estate. Our model calls for a vehicle that focuses on risk management and offers long term, consistent returns.

For borrowers our purpose was to create a loan process that was thorough and dynamic in nature, and we have done exactly that. Since we don’t sell our loans, and as servicers of our own portfolio, we are not subject to any unyielding criteria. That type of flexibility affords us the ability to structure loans to meet each of our clients’ diverse demands. We understand our clients’ requirements and in most cases, we can close a loan in as little as 48 hours, and provide borrowers with the tools needed to pursue their goals.


Management…it strikes at the heart of any well run organization. Their experience, philosophy, analytical capabilities, and overall understanding of the industry are just a few of the characteristics that can place one management team above another.